Enigma: Imitation Games from GECMUN V
Model United Nations, or MUN for short is an “extra-curricular activity in which students typically roleplay delegates to the United Nations and simulate UN committees”(Footnote1). During the confrence sutdents give speaches and draft resolutions, having fruitful discussion following their nation’s stance throughout. “Students [who participate in MUN activities] will learn the importance of how to negotiate and compromise” says Mr. Nickolas Harris, founder and director of GECMUN. He also notes MUN could help with other fundemental academic skills such as, but not limited to: public speaking, writing, and creating long-lasting friendship.
Founded in Feburary 27th of 2015, the first Global Education City Model United Nations Confrence was hosted by Korea International School Jeju. With 5 committees (UNSC, UNICEF, World Bank, Yugoslavia 1948 and the Trojan War Committee), and apprixmately 100 delegates, GECMUN made Korean MUN history by being the first crisis committee to take place in Jeju Island. Since then, GECMUN continued to grow with the 5th annual GECMUN V confrence taking place in English Education Center from March 21, 2019 to March 30, 2019. With 37 student officers, 28 staffs, 25 advisors, and 231 delegates, GECMUN V not only continued it’s legacy since organizing the first crisis committee in 2015 but also became the 2nd largest confrence in South Korea. With over 300 students from 13 different schools, GECMUN V was a major success.
GECMUN V was run by passionate student officers from Korean International School Jeju, North London Collegate School Jeju, Branksome Hall Asia, Yongsan International School of Seoul, St. Johnsbury Academy Jeju, Taejon Christian International School and Saint Paul Preparatory Seoul. The regular committees were UNSC, UNICEF, DISEC, UNHRC, ICJ. GECMUN V implemented new concepts and ideas that further differenciated it from other confrences. “[GECMUN Confrences]... utilize UNA-USA style because it is far superior to the THIMUN style which allows pre-written resolutions” says Mr. Nickolas Harris, founder and director of GECMUN.
GECMUN V was the first GECMUN confrence to implement a middle school committee, WHO as it emphasized “the stars of our conference are the delegates, not the chairs” by Mr. Harris. Delegates of the WHO had a productive discussion on global air pollution, passing 2 resolutions. Following the GECMUN tradition of featuring crisis committees, GECMUN V had 6 crisis committees: Constitutional Convention of 1787, where delegates took the role of America’s founding fathers to rewrite US history by drafting own solutions to the issues the Articles pose, League of Nations, where delegates recreate the Treaty of Versailles, The Trojan War, where delegates recreate moments of ancient Greek history, Trump’s Cabinet, where delegates take part of presdient Donald Trump’s cabinet, WWZ: Solanum Contagion, where delegates attempt to contain an unknown zombie virus, and finally Enigma: Code Breakers, where delegates attempt to break the Enigma code for the allies.
GECMUN VI, following the legacies of GECMUN V will be taking place in February 14th to February 15th, 2020 in Shinhwa Convention Center. Next year, GECMUN VI is planning to continue it’s innovation in introducing crisis committee in South Korea by implementing the first Joint Crisis Committee in South Korea, with 9 committees in total.
1) "What is Model United Nations? - Best Delegate." 4 Nov. 2007, https://bestdelegate.com/what-is-model-united-nations/. Accessed 27 Apr. 2019.